The Last Chapter: Hurricane Season


The last chapter: Hurricane Season


I: Winter

They never talk about the calm after the storm

That’s because there is none

Only chaos


The storm that wrecked it all

Broke down foundations

Of what I once knew

Changed the path which I walk upon


Self medicating with;






Late nights; sometimes alone

Traces you left in my room

;To find shelter from your wind


On the state line between loneliness and cheap heart games

Still waiting for hurricane season  (I always check the forecast in the morning)



II: Spring

 I wrote you a novel

A poem or two

Perhaps they are all about you

But they will never measure up to

The music you created in my name


Late at night

I pretend that I hate you (false)


I’ll cuddle up with insanity

A fragile breath

And my own touch


Floating in

Our favourite wine

Thank God these streets are dry


Hit me, hurt me, kick me, punch me, push me;

Yours will still be the most gentle hands

 I’ve ever let myself fall into



A title I proudly wear

You were a reason worthy

My insanity


(The answer is always simple, but never easy)


III: Autumn


And forget every word I ever wrote

For I bet not a single one was spoken about me

I have to stop whispering about you

And I’m ready to change my language

Your chemicals are wearing off

And I’m confident that’s what it was

My wrongs, and yours

I’m letting them go


Fall brings a new wind through my garden

You can rest


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