I will make better mistakes tomorrow
My words have escaped me all day
While you’re carrying my wrongs
I’m creating bad memories faster than they're getting erased
Your arms are getting tired from my weight
From carrying me over every single hill we encountered
My memory has escaped me all day
Searching for clues buried in my headache
To understand what you might think of below yours
If I could make my wrongs right
If I could carry you instead
I will make better mistakes tomorrow
There are three words to be repeated in infinity
And it’s not even enough then
But one must start somewhere, so
The Last Chapter: Hurricane Season
The last chapter: Hurricane Season
I: Winter
They never talk about the calm after the storm
That’s because there is none
Only chaos
The storm that wrecked it all
Broke down foundations
Of what I once knew
Changed the path which I walk upon
Self medicating with;
Late nights; sometimes alone
Traces you left in my room
;To find shelter from your wind
On the state line between loneliness and cheap heart games
Still waiting for hurricane season (I always check the forecast in the morning)
II: Spring
I wrote you a novel
A poem or two
Perhaps they are all about you
But they will never measure up to
The music you created in my name
Late at night
I pretend that I hate you (false)
I’ll cuddle up with insanity
A fragile breath
And my own touch
Floating in
Our favourite wine
Thank God these streets are dry
Hit me, hurt me, kick me, punch me, push me;
Yours will still be the most gentle hands
I’ve ever let myself fall into
A title I proudly wear
You were a reason worthy
My insanity
(The answer is always simple, but never easy)
III: Autumn
And forget every word I ever wrote
For I bet not a single one was spoken about me
I have to stop whispering about you
And I’m ready to change my language
Your chemicals are wearing off
And I’m confident that’s what it was
My wrongs, and yours
I’m letting them go
Fall brings a new wind through my garden
You can rest
An Angel at the end of a dirty road
What once took place on sandy concrete
A shaky conversation under desert stars that hold you now
Your hospital bracelet speaking of carelessness
Intoxicating eyes and a silky touch
Painting hearts in the dark, spinning lights
And an illegal high
I was high off you
Your footsteps erased from the sand
But in print within
An Angel at the end of a dirty road
The purest dirt in my heart
en intern moralpredikan
En fullkomligt onödig och ofullständig text som skrevs i huvudet
en vilsen, vacker, brutal & varm natt.
Basgång och skratt tränger genom badrumsdörr. Vår firas, gemenskapen och kommande värme; där ute.
Här inne; våta ögon, röda ögon, svullna ögon, berusade ögon. Knä mot hårt, nerver skriker. Byxor spänner, fingrar bits. Skvätter; tvättar hårslinga i handfat, frottéhandduk. Möter spegelbild, intern moralpredikan, vad är det här för jävla liv? Fuktigt finger på sminkad kind, lämnar inget märke. Knackning på dörr, jag kommer snart. Bara en omgång till.
Tröja fläckad, jävla skit, säkert ingen som märker. Är du klar?
Andas in, inandning. Andas ut, utandning. Finger avlägsnar vilse smink under öga.
Le, testing testing, rutin, lås olåst, nu kör vi, ta en klunk, ta tre, skål!, fuck it. Kontrollera väskans innehåll: bankkort, körkort, smink, telefon, kondom. Vi är sena, nattens gator, fyll lungor. Skrattande skratt, tryck play, uppspelning av; skrattande skratt. Vingla mot natt på ständigt instabila ben. Hitta någon som ännu inte hatas, famla efter händer som rör vid det som inte får röras. Med tillåtelse; varma händer, mjuka händer, kåta händer. Händer som inte får röra, men som rör ändå.
Tystanden fakturerades hem några dagar senare
Inledningen på en novell som aldrig blev mer än så.
Tystanden fakturerades hem några dagar senare
- Vill du ha det såhär?
Det är frågan jag helst av allt vill undvika. Den lämnar hennes läppar och skjuts rakt mot mig. Jag försöker att ducka mentalt, hoppas att den ska passera mig och krossas mot den vita, sterila väggen bakom mig. Men istället träffar den mig rakt mellan mina två barnsligt blåa, och lämnar mig lamslagen. Frågan som alltid förväntas besvaras med ett ”nej”.
Istället är jag tyst.
Vi låter tystnaden etablera sig som så många gånger förr. Den snirklar sig in i alla vrår, smeker den opersonliga IKEA-tavlan på väggen, låter de blekta gardinerna fladdra till, och klättrar sedan upp längs benen på Landstingsstolen där ergonomi inte prioriterats.
Det är på den jag sitter. Utanför fönstret sprudlar Göteborg. Ungdomar letar nya gömställen i Slottsskogen och kärleksparen upptar sluttningarna ner mot kanalen.
Men i lägenhetslokalen på Magasinsgatan hörs inte fågelkvittret. Och solstrålarnas skimmer slutar en halvmeter framför mig.
Tystnaden har pågått i minuter och har för länge sedan passerat stadiet av att vara pinsam. Den bara är. Ibland avbryts den av ljudet av hennes skrivande blyertspenna mot protokollet. Hon är uppjagad idag. Frenetiskt rör sig pennan över arket. Frustrationen vibrerar i luften. Hon skriver fort, som om hon är rädd att glömma detaljerna av mina misslyckanden. Allt måste med. Tydligen har hon och min tystnad en konversation jag inte är delaktig eller medveten om.
Hon ställer alltid samma frågor, men får aldrig några svar. Det här är mitt spel, mina regler. Och hon märker inte att jag fuskar.
Spetsen på pennan bryts och avbryter henne. Jag småler och hennes blick bränner. Eftermiddagskrig.
Jag tror att jag vinner idag.
Tystnaden fakturerades hem några dagar senare.
An Old Story
These walls once knew our story
But their memory is growing weak
I miss
Not missing you
There are so many feelings
It’s easier to not feel at all
You erase me so easily, I wonder if I were ever even a part of you
Always an option, but
Nothing more
Your absence is more present than your presence ever was
Your absence is more present
Than your presence ever was
You reminded me of my worth
And now I have to remind myself
For it seems I lost all value in your
I’m granting your wish by my silence
You have no idea of the lengths
I would have gone for you
Teach me to forget
The essence of your tornado
A blur of notes, wine and beats
But in the crystal clear daylight
Seems pointless
Go find yourself a heart
I’d never let anyone break me
You caught me off guard
Letting go is somehow harder than holding on
An enemy in my bed
I’ll walk over the loneliness tonight
Bare feet
In the meantime, I think you should
Go find yourself a heart
Call me insane
I am
Suburbs of my heart
In the suburbs of my heart
Stealing someone’s first impression
So they’ll never forget me
Didn’t read the book of rules
Of this game, but
I’m betting all of my good intentions
We could move into this clearance box
Reach out and touch
What’s left of my heart
Come morning,
How I’ve always adored your bullshit
The only thing you provide:
And I still find it amazing how
I’ve always adored your bullshit
You never read the fine print
Along my spine
Don’t act like you know the ending of
The book that is I
Your chemicals are wearing off
It was a sweet illusion
Treasure the fact
Your gun to my head
Words that only make sense to me
It’s all coming back to me
The road I swore to never walk down again
Are leading me safely home
Kid, don’t fool yourself
Is what I can’t control
I swore to change
But I’m wearing the same mask
I fool myself
I thought it was years ago since we last met
But now I realize
You never really left
my quiet heart
This is what's left:
No matching socks
A broken music box
Raindrops, making love on my window
You fit perfectly in my kitchen
Your words eating up at my spine
This is what I wanted:
Mute conversations
Neck branded by lipstick
Empty milk cartons in the refrigerator
You’ve been hurting someone else than me
And that’s what’s been hurting me
You always did me wrong
But that was alright with me
I tried to paint you my heart
But the pen was dry
I’ve fallen for you too many times now
Without losing my balance
You stare at the skies
But I know I belong to the below
Looking for reasons for years
To move back into the bad neighborhood
Where twisted things doesn’t wait ‘til nightfall
Substance-free high
I’m soaring
I’ll never blame you
But you’ll be mentioned on my stone
Intoxicated children on hazardous roads
Intoxicated children on hazardous roads
Promises you never knew how to keep
And these waves pierce through my evenings
With messages and codes
Of my delusional haven
This is a chapter you thought
No words could spell
A book we closed long ago
But I still kept sketching the cover
A haunting fairytale of
Intoxicated children on hazardous roads
And as I stumble
I am, again
A child in your eyes
But I know
I’m much younger than that
Winter child
Even though you too
Are a
Winter child
You left me in a
Snowdrift of confusion
I could draw you a map of
The things I never told you
But that’s a treasure
You wouldn’t benefit from finding
I prefer your words
But I know
I have to write my own book
But the lines are crooked and my handwriting is off
No, I do prefer your words
Even though I don’t understand them anymore
Feathers with sharp edges
Feathers with sharp edges
Five years has passed
And I know I’ve been foolish
Missing you
But how you pour emptiness inside me
A sensation you master alone
When you knock on the heavy walls of my mind
I relieve you from your spot on my doorstep
Once more, we share this bed and you can’t resist
But to pull my hair
When you braid it
You stroke my fragile skin
Feathers with sharp edges
Old friend
They add so many letters to my name
I’m not sure what to call myself
Microwaved flowers
Buckets of your words
Next to my bed
Your heartbeats on cassette
Like you’re still around
All that’s left (is)
Microwaved flowers
Technology conserved the last of our blooming
I can’t bring you back
Nothing but microwaved flowers
In the corner of my eye
A Sunday Ballad.
A Sunday Ballad
A taste of coffee
Sounds of silence
Making up words
This would seem like nothing
Looking in through my window
But these minutes
Are what matters now
You slipped away from
The corner of my eye
But I sense your weight on my floor
These walls know you by now
And this story should be told
Nothing is happening
But everything is
You’re throwing blessings on my bed
And I think it’s about time
That I wrote
A Sunday ballad for you
It Is a Tuesday Morning.
It Is A Tuesday Morning
The distance between us cannot be measured
It is not in the miles
It is not in the inches
In the space between my fingers
Where yours used to fit
It is a Tuesday morning
Waking up alone
Only my footprints in the snow
But when I’m not aware
When my eyes are closed and my breathing slow
You hold me and I make you smile
We share a cup of coffee and drink kisses
A step higher than reality
Absorbed in your presence
Not knowing it’s only an illusion
It is waking up
And you’re not there
That’s what gets me